Over two decades old, author John C. Maxwell’s famous quote, “teamwork makes the dream work,” remains just as relevant as ever before. Teamwork offers a larger pool of resources which can produce better solutions and improve efficiency and output. It can foster a feeling of belonging and reduce stress simply by having strong bonds with teammates. The reality is, however, that not all teams have maximized their potential as a high-performing team. As with anything worth having, creating a high-performing team takes work and attention. In this first episode of a new series, Dewey, Rae, and Bryana provide a vision for what a high-performing team looks like by identifying productive and unproductive behaviors, and helping leaders determine where to start.
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- Maxwell, John C., (2002 April 5). Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. Thomas Nelson, Inc.
- Sinek, Simon. (2017 May 23). Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't. Penguin Random House LLC.
- Clifton, Jim & Harter, Jim. (2019 May 7). It's the Manager: Moving From Boss to Coach. Gallup.